3  Benchmarking

In this section a detailed benchmark of {SLmetrics} is conducted. The benchmarks will be conducted on randomly selected functions, and then compared to {pkg} discussed in Chapter 1. The benchmarks are conducted on three parameters: median execution time, memory usage and gc() calls.

This section strucutred as follows, Section 3.1 sets up the infrastructure needed to conduct the benchmark in an unbiased way, in Section 3.2 the benchmarks are conducted and discussed and summarized in Section 3.3 and Section 3.4 respectively.

3.1 The setup

To conduct the benchmarking two functions are defined. create_regression() and create_factor(), both functions returns a vector of actual and predicted values with a length of 10,000,000 rows.

3.1.1 Regression problems

The benchmarks on regression metrics is conducted on correlated absolute value <numeric>-vectors, with uniformly distributed weights. create_regression() returns a named list, and is defined below:

# regression function
create_regression <- function(
    n = 1e7) {

  # 1) actual
  # values
  actual <- abs(rnorm(n = n))

  # 2) predicted
  # values
  predicted <- actual + abs(rnorm(n = n))

  # 3) generate
  # weights
  w <- runif(n)

    actual    = actual,
    predicted = predicted,
    w         = w

3.1.2 Classification problems

The benchmarks on classification metrics is conducted on the randomly sampled letters c("a", "b", "c"). create_regression() returns a vector of <factor>, and is defined below:

# classification function
create_factor <- function(
    k = 3,
    balanced = TRUE,
    n = 1e7) {

  probs <- NULL

  if (!balanced) {

    probs <- rbeta(
      n = k,
      shape1 = 10,
      shape2 = 2

    probs[which.min(probs)] <- 0

    probs <- probs / sum(probs)


    x = sample(
      size = n,
      replace = TRUE,
      prob = probs
    labels = letters[1:k],
    levels = 1:k

3.1.3 Staging the testing ground

The vectors used in the benchmarks are created with the seed 1903 for reproducibility, see below:

# 1) set seed for reproducibility

# 2) create classification
# problem
fct_actual <- create_factor()
fct_predicted <- create_factor()

# 3) create regression
# problem

# 3.1) store results
# in regression
lst_regression <- create_regression()

# 3.2) assign the values
# accordingly
num_actual <- lst_regression$actual
num_predicted <- lst_regression$predicted
num_weights <- lst_regression$w

3.2 Benchmarking

To conduct the benchmark {bench} is used. Before the benchmarks are conducted, a benchmark()-wrapper is created.

This wrapper conducts m (Default: 10) benchmarks, with 10 iterations for each benchmarked function passed into benchmark() - to allow for warm-up the first iteration is discarded. The wrapper is defined as follows:

benchmark <- function(
  m = 10) {
  # 1) create list
  # for storing values
  performance <- list()
  for (i in 1:m) {

     # 1) run the benchmarks
    results <- bench::mark(
      iterations = 10,
      check = FALSE

    # 2) extract values
    # and calculate medians
    performance$time[[i]]  <- setNames(lapply(results$time, mean), results$expression)
    performance$memory[[i]] <- setNames(lapply(results$memory, function(x) { sum(x$bytes, na.rm = TRUE)}), results$expression)
    performance$n_gc[[i]] <- setNames(lapply(results$n_gc, sum), results$expression)


  list(performance$time, performance$memory, performance$n_gc), 
      expression = names(..1),
      time = unlist(..1),
      memory = unlist(..2),
      n_gc = unlist(..3)
) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(expression = factor(expression, levels = unique(expression))) %>%
  dplyr::group_by(expression) %>%
  dplyr::filter(dplyr::row_number() > 1) %>%
    execution_time = bench::as_bench_time(median(time)),
    memory_usage = bench::as_bench_bytes(median(memory)),
    gc_calls = median(n_gc),
    .groups = "drop"


3.2.1 Regression metrics

    `{RMSE}`  = SLmetrics::rmse(num_actual, num_predicted),
    `{Pinball Loss}` = SLmetrics::pinball(num_actual, num_predicted),
    `{Huber Loss}` = SLmetrics::huberloss(num_actual, num_predicted)
Table 3.1: Benchmarks of Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), Pinball Loss and Huber Loss. Each benchmark is run 10 times with two input vectors of 10 million elements.
#> # A tibble: 3 × 4
#>   expression     execution_time memory_usage gc_calls
#>   <fct>                <bch:tm>    <bch:byt>    <dbl>
#> 1 {RMSE}                 9.66ms           0B        0
#> 2 {Pinball Loss}         9.65ms           0B        0
#> 3 {Huber Loss}          55.57ms           0B        0
    `{SLmetrics}` = SLmetrics::rmse(num_actual, num_predicted),
    `{MLmetrics}` = MLmetrics::RMSE(num_actual, num_predicted),
    `{yardstick}` = yardstick::rmse_vec(num_actual, num_predicted),
    `{mlr3measures}` = mlr3measures::rmse(num_actual, num_predicted)
Table 3.2: Benchmarking Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) across {pkgs}. Each benchmark is run 10 times with two input vectors of 10 million elements.
#> # A tibble: 4 × 4
#>   expression     execution_time memory_usage gc_calls
#>   <fct>                <bch:tm>    <bch:byt>    <dbl>
#> 1 {SLmetrics}            9.66ms           0B        0
#> 2 {MLmetrics}           60.85ms       76.3MB        1
#> 3 {yardstick}          166.72ms      419.6MB        9
#> 4 {mlr3measures}        84.77ms       76.3MB        1

3.2.2 Classification metrics

    `{Confusion Matrix}`  = SLmetrics::cmatrix(fct_actual, fct_predicted),
    `{Accuracy}` = SLmetrics::accuracy(fct_actual, fct_predicted),
    `{F-beta}` = SLmetrics::fbeta(fct_actual, fct_predicted)
Table 3.3: Benchmarks of the Confusion Matrix, Accuracy, and F-Beta score. Each benchmark is run 10 times with two input vectors of 10 million elements.
#> # A tibble: 3 × 4
#>   expression         execution_time memory_usage gc_calls
#>   <fct>                    <bch:tm>    <bch:byt>    <dbl>
#> 1 {Confusion Matrix}         8.55ms           0B        0
#> 2 {Accuracy}                 8.55ms           0B        0
#> 3 {F-beta}                   8.56ms           0B        0
    `{SLmetrics}`    = SLmetrics::cmatrix(fct_actual, fct_predicted),
    `{MLmetrics}`    = MLmetrics::ConfusionMatrix(fct_predicted, fct_actual),
    `{yardstick}`    = yardstick::conf_mat(table(fct_actual, fct_predicted))
Table 3.4: Benchmarking a 3×3 confusion matrix across {pkgs}. Each benchmark is run 10 times with two input vectors of 10 million elements and three classes.
#> # A tibble: 3 × 4
#>   expression  execution_time memory_usage gc_calls
#>   <fct>             <bch:tm>    <bch:byt>    <dbl>
#> 1 {SLmetrics}         8.55ms           0B        0
#> 2 {MLmetrics}       246.67ms        381MB        7
#> 3 {yardstick}        246.8ms        381MB        7

3.3 Discussion

Does speed really matter at the milliseconds level, and justify the raîson d’être for {SLmetrics} - the answer is inevitably no. A reduction of a few milliseconds may marginally improve performance, perhaps shaving off minutes or hours in large-scale grid searches or multi-model experiments. While this might slightly reduce cloud expenses, the overall impact is often negligible unless you’re operating at an enormous scale or in latency-critical environments.

However, the memory efficiency of {SLmetrics} is where its real value lies. Its near-zero RAM usage allows more memory to be allocated for valuable tasks, such as feeding larger datasets into models. This can directly lead to higher-performing models, as more data generally improves learning outcomes. Furthermore, by optimizing memory usage, {SLmetrics} can reduce infrastructure costs significantly, as less powerful machines or fewer cloud resources may be required to achieve the same — or better — results.

In short, while speed optimization may seem like a more visible metric, it’s the memory efficiency of {SLmetrics} that has a broader, more transformative impact on machine learning workflows, from enabling better model performance to substantial cost reductions.

3.4 Conclusion

The benchmarks conducted in Section 3.2 suggests that {SLmetrics} is the memory-efficient and fast alternative to {MLmetrics}, {yardstick} and {mlr3measures}.

In the worst performing benchmarks {SLmetrics} is on par with low-level implementations of equivalent metrics and is consistently more memory-efficient in all benchmarks.